Sports Marketing

This course examines the world of sports as a business and will focus on attracting the ultimate customer—sports fans—in an increasingly competitive, fragmented and global service. The course will discuss the management of sports at professional, collegiate and special event levels focusing on the role marketing plays in planning and decision making in attracting fans and the other major customer—sponsors. Other topical areas will include: sports branding; athlete management; globalization; event sponsorship and marketing; media involvement; fantasy sports; sports vendors; sports innovations and the value and ROI of investing in sports. Students will study current opportunities and threats facing sports and entertainment properties and trends that may impact the future of sports and its various audiences. Guest experts will lecture in various classes giving students a firsthand opportunity to ask questions of sports marketing and management leaders. Prerequisites: MGMT 2200, ECON 2200, ACCT 2211, MRKT 3380

Grade Basis: AL
Credit hours: 3.0
Lecture hours: 3.0


  • Offered in Spring terms

Last updated: 03/16/2020