Why study physics? Physics is crucial to understanding the world around us, the world inside us, and the world beyond us. It is the most basic and fundamental science. Physics encompasses the study of the universe, from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles. Physics challenges our imaginations and leads to great discoveries that change our lives. The computer that you are using and the laser that reads your DVDs were developed as a result of basic physics research. Are you curious about how the world works?
The Physics curriculum at LaGrange College serves two basic purposes:
Online BIOL, CHEM, and PHYS laboratories
Laboratory experiences are central to the development of scientific thought and processes as well as dexterity and laboratory safety. Online lab experiences taught at other institutions are not considered equivalent to in-person/in-seat laboratory experiences at LaGrange College and are therefore unlikely to be approved as substitutions for LaGrange College BIOL, CHEM, or PHYS laboratory courses.
Major Minor
There are currently no Majors or Minors.
A non-calculus-based introduction to kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational dynamics, fluid mechanics, periodic motion, wave mechanics, and thermodynamics. Physics is a science of measurement, testing, and experimentation—inquiry-based laboratories make physics come to life!
A continuation of PHYS 1101 and an introduction to electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, and light and optics. Physics is a science of measurement, testing, and experimentation—inquiry-based laboratories make physics come to life!
A calculus-based introduction to dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational dynamics, fluid mechanics, periodic motion, wave mechanics, and thermodynamics. Physics is a science of measurement, testing, and experimentation—inquiry-based laboratories make physics come to life!
A continuation of PHYS 2121, covering electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, and light and optics. Physics is a science of measurement, testing, and experimentation—inquiry-based laboratories make physics come to life!