This introduction to virology will focus on animal viruses that are important for basic science and human and animal diseases. The topics in this course may include viral taxonomy, structure, entry/exit, replication, quantitation, genetics, pathogenesis, and virus-host interaction. The laboratory will study model viral systems. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
Grade Basis: AL
Credit hours: 4.0
Lecture hours: 3.0
Lab hours: 3.0
- BIOL 1107 - Principles of Biology I
- BIOL 1107 L - Principles of Biology I Laboratory
- BIOL 1108 - Principles of Biology II
- BIOL 1108L - Principles of Biology II Laboratory
- Offered regularly.
- Minimum of C- in prerequisite courses is required to enroll in upper level biology courses (3000-4000)