
Introduction to Programs 

LaGrange College’s Department of Education offers the following programs.

Programs available to those seeking initial certification in teaching:
  • Master of Arts in Teach (M.A.T.) Pedagogy-Only (39 credit hours) 
    • Middle Grades Education
    • Secondary Education
Programs available to those who have teacher certification:
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Curriculum and Instruction - Initial (30 credit hours) 
  • Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction – Initial (30 credit hours) 
  • Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction – Advanced (30 credit hours)
  • Education Doctorate (Ed.D.) in Curriculum and Instruction - Advanced (30-33 credit hours)
  • Tier I Educational Leadership Certification Add-on (13 credit hours) 
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Curriculum and Instruction with Tier I Educational Leadership Certification Only (46 credit hours) 
  • Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction Initial with Tier I Educational Leadership Certification only (46 credit hours) 
  • Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Curriculum and Instruction Advanced with Tier I Educational Leadership Certification Only (37 credit hours) 
  • Certificate in Curriculum and Instruction (non-degree, 15 credit hours)

Financial Information Payment of Charges 

All charges for the semester are due and payable at the beginning of the term, and each candidate is expected to make satisfactory arrangements at that time. 

Candidates who pre-register and pay in advance of the deadline each semester are not required to attend final registration.  Invoices not paid by the due date will be assessed a Late Payment Fee as enumerated below. 

The College offers a deferred payment option for degree program students.  Candidates may make monthly payments to cover educational cost.  If the full balance is not paid by the end of the term, interest charges are added at the rate of 12% per annum on the unpaid balance.

Certificate and Add-on programs must be paid in full by the first day of the term per the academic calendar.


Tuition - Graduate Education Courses Per Credit Hour

M.Ed. and Ed.S. $690.00

Ed.D. $750.00

M.A.T. $730.00

Tier I and C&I Certificate $285.00 (if not completing with another program)


Fees — Miscellaneous
Late Payment Fee $50.00
Personal checks failing to clear $30.00
Graduation Fee $200.00
Student Identification Card Replacement Fee $20.00
Comprehensive Fee $60.00
GACE (determined by individual needs, payable to GACE) 
Subscription Fee - A one-time subscription fee is assessed upon entering a program within the Department of Education to cover the cost of the software used for assessment, portfolio development, and data collection. $130


Additional Fees for Select Candidates 

Georgia Educators Ethics Assessment  (M.A.T., payable to GACE)…$40.00 

Georgia Ethics Leadership Assessment  (Tier I, payable to GACE)…$40.00 

Credit Balances 

Candidates who have a credit balance on their account may obtain a credit balance refund within fourteen (14) calendar days whichever is the latest of: 

  • the date the balance occurs; 
  • the first day of classes of a payment period or enrollment period, as applicable; or 
  • the date the candidate rescinds authorization given the school to hold the funds. 

Candidates must certify they are enrolled and regularly attending class at the time they receive the refund. 

General Information 

Candidates seeking financial assistance must complete a federal need analysis form, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  The FAFSA collects student and spousal, if applicable, income and asset information needed to determine eligibility for financial aid.   

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program provides grants assistance of up to $2000 per semester (with an $8000 maximum for graduate study) to full-time graduate students pursuing a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) or Master of Education degree (M.Ed.) who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families in a designated high-need field as a highly qualified teacher.  In exchange for the TEACH Grant award, the recipient agrees to serve as a full-time teacher for four academic years within eight calendar years of completing the program for which the TEACH Grant was received. For more information on this program, contact the Financial Aid Office or the LaGrange College Department of Education. 

For information on additional sources of financial aid, please see the Financial Aid section of the Graduate Bulletin. 

Academic Policies 

Orientation and Advisement 

Prospective and newly admitted graduate candidates in the M.Ed., M.A.T., Ed.S., Ed.D., and Tier I programs are initially oriented and advised by the Chair of the LaGrange College Department of Education. A formal orientation is conducted during the start of classes for each new cohort.   

Class Attendance Regulations and Professionalism 

Professionalism and Attendance

Attendance and timeliness, participation, professional dress, and a positive teaching-learning attitude are part of being a professional.  They are required and are a part of your grade.  Class attendance and punctuality are expected. In the event of an absence 2 points will be deducted for each class missed.  Three tardies equal one absence.  The only excused absences are college sponsored events that you are required to attend. Sorority and fraternity events are not considered college sponsored events. Although any absence other than college sponsored events will result in a grade reduction, in the event of an emergency absence, it remains your professional responsibility to contact the professor prior to the missed class. At the discretion of the professor, an additional percentage point will be deducted from your grade for failure to contact her/him before the onset of class.  Students should check with their classmates regarding notes and assignments missed. Further, the professor shall decide on a case by case basic whether any test or assignment due on the day of an unexcused absence will be accepted and, if accepted, at what reduction in grade will be assessed.

Attendance and timeliness, participation, professional dress, and a positive teaching-learning attitude are part of being a professional. Acceptable dispositions are expected of all candidates.

They are required and are a part of your grade. Class attendance and punctuality are expected. In the event of an absence:

Fall/Spring: 3 points will be deducted for each class If you miss more than

1/2 of a class, 3 points will be deducted.Summer: an alternate assignment will be given to compensate for the missed class time – Synchronous (online) class meetings count as class time


Any absence other than college sponsored events will result in a grade reduction or alternate assignment. In the event of an emergency or work-related absence, it remains your professional responsibility to contact the professor prior to the missed class. At the discretion of the professor, an additional percentage point will be deducted from your grade for failure to contact her/him before the onset of class. Students should check with their classmates regarding notes and assignments missed. Further, the professor shall decide on a case-by-case basis whether any test or assignment due on the day of an unexcused absence will be accepted and, if accepted, what reduction in grade will be assessed.

Saturday Seminar 

Saturday Seminars Seminar days are an integral component of the graduate programs at LaGrange College and your attendance is expected at each of these scheduled days. The morning session will be devoted to departmental topics. Missing that session will require an alternative assignment. Afternoon sessions will be devoted to a class session for one of your current courses. Missing that session will result in course point deductions (see the attendance policy section above) or in some cases, an alternative assignment. Failure to meet these requirements may negatively impact your standing in the department and could result in dismissal. Please contact your advisor as soon as you realize that there is a conflict with you attending a Saturday Seminar.

Children of Students 

LaGrange College is committed to providing an environment conducive to teaching and learning for all enrolled students.  To maintain that atmosphere of learning, in general, children of students are not permitted in the classroom or on campus while the parent is attending class.  The presence of children in a college classroom presents a distraction to engaged learners and may lead to the modification of content to exclude information inappropriate for children.  Unsupervised children create a liability for both the parent and the college.  Any temporary exception to this policy due to extraordinary circumstances is at the discretion of the instructor. 

Academic Calendars  

The Graduate programs in Education follow the academic calendar of the Day program, with slight variation to the Spring, Summer semester schedules.  The calendar is available on the College website. 

Policy for Remediation of Inappropriate Dispositions and/or Inadequate Performance  

Because appropriate dispositions enhance teaching and learning, LaGrange College’s Department of Education believes that teachers should project positive and productive attitudes toward students, colleagues and professors. It is not the intent of LaGrange College’s Department of Education to produce identical personalities. Rather, acceptable dispositions refer to positive attitudes, respect for the diverse characteristics of others and taking grievances to the appropriate person in a professional manner. In the pursuit of knowledge of learning, childhood and society, appropriate dispositions reflect the teachers abiding respect for the intellectual challenges set before them by their professors. Teachers are committed intellectuals who value rigorous inquiry, critique and informed skepticism as ways to expand their ethical, cultural and intellectual universes. To engage in professional exchanges, committed teachers must demonstrate constructive dispositions at all times. If a classroom professor observes or becomes aware of inappropriate dispositions, she or he will issue a written warning to the candidate. Upon the second time, the candidate will be required to attend a hearing of the LaGrange College’s Department of Education Faculty for possible disciplinary action. At the discretion of the faculty, disciplinary action may result in a reduction in grade or in severe situations, expulsion from the program. Appropriate dispositions are also expected and assessed during field and clinical experiences.  

Candidates may also be dismissed for non-academic reasons relating to a violation of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission’s Code of Ethics.  A complete description may be found on the Georgia Professional Standards Commissions' website at and in the Department’s Field Handbook. 


All graduate programs require the candidate to maintain a grade point of 3.0. No credit toward the degree will be awarded for any grade below 1.75 (C-). 

Probationary Status 

No grades below a 1.75 (C-) will be accepted. In the event a candidate’s GPA falls below 3.0, the candidate will be placed on probationary status. The candidate has one semester in which to remove the probationary status. Failure to do so will result in being dropped from the program. All requests for exceptions must be addressed to the VPAA. 

Professional Development Plan 

Candidates who exhibit poor content knowledge, content pedagogical knowledge, professional skills and/or fail to demonstrate a positive effect on student learning based on specific criteria may be required to complete a Professional Development Plan (PDP). The PDP is developed with input from the candidate and faculty. Dismissal from the program is possible if the candidate fails to meet the minimum scores on the PDP.  


The Department of Education follows the dismissal policy outlined by the College which can be found in the general section of this bulletin. 

Grievances and Appeals 

The College and the Department of Education are committed to mutual respect among all constituents of the college and departmental community. This commitment includes students, faculty, staff, and administration. In all concerns about fair treatment, we seek to work together to understand and address those concerns without having to resort to formal grievance procedures. When that is not possible, we are at all levels committed to a fair and reasonable resolution of issues through a formal grievance process guided by the information and documentation provided in the process. A complete explanation of procedures to follow when making a grievance can be found in the graduate bulletin under “Process for Academic Grievances and Appeals.” 

Learning Outcomes 

For the Master of Arts in Teaching degree, the LaGrange College Department of Education faculty have adopted the standards outlined by the Teacher Assessment on Performance Standards as goals for the program. 

Key Assessment Policy for M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D., and Tier I Candidates 

Courses throughout our graduate programs have designated program specific key assessments. Passing each key assessment with a score of 70 or better is a program requirement. Any candidate who does not successfully achieve a grade of 70 or better on any key assessment will be provided with one opportunity to resubmit the key assessment assignment for re-evaluation by the course instructor. Candidates must submit revised key assessment work within 7 calendar days of notification. Failure to achieve a grade of 70 or above on a re-submitted key assessment will result in a grade of F for the related course.   Should the candidate earn a 70 or more on the re-submitted key assessment, the final course grade is calculated without regards to the score earned on the resubmitted key assessment. Candidates failing to earn a passing score on the resubmitted key assessment must repeat the course and may not enroll in any other requisite courses.    


Upon acceptance, the candidate is assigned an advisor. With the help of the advisor, each candidate plans a program of study to satisfy the requirements of the selected graduate program. In order to establish definite goals as well as intermediate objectives, a periodic checklist and definite timetable will be mutually agreed upon by the candidate and advisor. Candidates are responsible for seeking advisement and meeting graduation requirements. 

Course Repetition  

At times, a student may wish to repeat a course in which a grade has already been earned. This is likely to be because a student earned a grade of “C-” or less in a course. Students are not allowed to take any courses elsewhere.  Thus, all courses in which a grade below “C-” is earned at LaGrange College must be repeated at LaGrange College. A student may not remove from the transcript any grade earned, even if the course is repeated.  No additional credit will be earned for repeats of courses for which a “C-” or below grade was previously earned. The GPA is calculated on both attempts. 


A candidate who chooses to withdraw from a class prior to the close of the Drop/Add period may do so without the course appearing on his or her official transcript in any form.  The Drop/Add period will normally end one calendar week following the first day of classes (except in situations in which a class has not yet met, in which case the Drop/Add period will extend one day beyond the first meeting of that class or classes, but only for students enrolled in such classes). 

A candidate who chooses to withdraw from a class on or before the “Last Day to Withdraw with a ‘W’” will receive a “W” on his or her official transcript, regardless of standing in the class.  The “Last Day to Withdraw with a ‘W’” will normally occur two weeks prior to the last day of classes. Please refer to the academic calendar and course syllabus for specific dates each semester.

Normally, no student will be permitted to withdraw officially from a class after the “Last Day to Withdraw with a ‘W.’”  Exceptions may be granted for extenuating circumstances but must be approved by the VPAA.  Normally, students who encounter hardship near the end of the term (serious illness, injury, family crisis, etc.) will be encouraged to take an incomplete (I) grade for the course and complete unfinished work during the following term. 

Please note: This policy does not obviate the possibility of an “administrative” withdrawal (in the case, for example, of a candidate who is disruptive of the learning experience of others) or a medical withdrawal. 

To withdraw from an individual course, a candidate must notify the Registrar. Failure to withdraw officially through this office may result in the assignment of an “F.” 

Medical Withdrawal 

A “medical withdrawal” is defined as complete withdrawal without academic penalty for reasons of health.  Except in circumstances of emergency, a licensed health care provider or a qualified counselor must provide a written recommendation for medical withdrawal to the VPAA.  This written recommendation must be on file prior to approval for withdrawal.  Anytime medical withdrawal is initiated, the candidate’s instructors, the Office of Financial Aid, and the Business Office will be notified by the Registrar.  The re-entry of the candidate following medical withdrawal for medical reasons requires a clearance from the attending physician, a licensed health care provider, or a qualified counselor with an evaluation of the candidate’s potential to resume study successfully at LaGrange College.  The VPAA will review this evaluation and make the decision concerning the candidate’s re-entry.  

Time Limitations  

Candidates must complete all requirements for their degree within five years starting from the date of admission to the program. All courses or requirements that do not meet this requirement must be repeated. 

Applying for Graduation  

Candidates in their last year of graduate work must have an audit of their course credits and planned courses examined upon pre-registration for their final semester in residence. This is called a "graduation petition." The graduate advisor assists the candidate in completing this petition. No candidate may participate in Commencement exercises if he or she has not completed a graduation petition.  

Participation in Commencement 

LaGrange College shall permit a graduate student needing no more than one additional academic term (as recognized by the College) for the completion of requirements, to participate, I.e., process, recess, walk, in the May commencement ceremony. The student must be enrolled for any or all remaining hours during the subsequent summer, submit a completed graduation petition and pre-completion form the Office of the Registrar, and having completed all other graduation requirements. The graduate student who pre-completes will receive their diploma only after all required hours are earned and once all financial obligations tot he college are met.

The graduate student may participate in only one commencement ceremony for each degree earned.


Candidates are entitled to transcripts of their record.  Transcript requests must be made in writing to the Registrar well in advance of the time the transcript is needed.  Transcripts will be issued promptly; however, at the beginning and end of terms, some delay may be unavoidable.  Unofficial transcripts may be obtained from the online student module of the Web. 

Certification Requirements

Certification requirements and changes in teacher certification are based on current recommendations determined by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.

Majors and Minors

Major Minor

Master of Education (M.Ed.) Curriculum and Instruction with Tier I Educational Leadership Certification Add-on Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Master of Arts in Teaching Program Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction Ed. S. Curriculum and Instruction ADVANCED Ed. S. Curriculum and Instruction ADVANCED with Tier I Ed. S. Curriculum and Instruction INITIAL with Tier I Tier I Educational Leadership Certification Add-on (13 Credit Hours) Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction Certificate in Curriculum and Instruction

An introduction to teaching and learning. This course addresses teacher roles, teacher ethics and experiences, historical perspectives, philosophical foundations, approaches to curriculum development, the politics of education, school governance, school funding, legal issues, school law, and living and learning in a diverse society.

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Taken in the first summer of the program, this course provides a foundation of knowledge on adolescent development with the theoretical and social contexts of adolescence to prepare the M.A.T. candidate for teaching in the middle schools. Instruction is delivered in whole group instruction or through small group seminars led by the professor to prepare M.A.T. candidates to assist master classroom teachers in the instruction of 4-8 grade-aged students in a three-week summer field experience operated by the college for area children. The objectives for the course are for the candidate to understand the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to young adolescent development and developmentally responsive middle level programs and schools, and to engage in practices and behaviors that develop their competence as professionals. Middle grades candidates will have supervised field experiences teaching 4-5 grade-aged children, whereas high school candidates will have supervised field experiences teaching 6-8 grade-aged children.

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Taken in the first summer of the program, this course provides a foundation of knowledge on adolescent development with the theoretical and social contexts of adolescence to prepare the M.A.T. candidate for teaching in the middle schools. Instruction is delivered in whole group instruction or through small group seminars led by the professor to prepare M.A.T. candidates to assist master classroom teachers in the instruction of 4-8 grade-aged students in a three-week summer field experience operated by the college for area children. The objectives for the course are for the candidate to understand the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to young adolescent development and developmentally responsive middle level programs and 121 schools, and to engage in practices and behaviors that develop their competence as professionals. Middle grades candidates will have supervised field experiences teaching 4-5 grade-aged children, whereas high school candidates will have supervised field experiences teaching 6-8 grade-aged children.

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This course sequence focuses upon theory related to instructional planning, assessment, and decision making. The role of preparation and its contribution to successful classroom management will be examined. Candidates will research best practices in teaching and learning and evaluate models of effective lesson plan design and its impact on the classroom environment.

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This course sequence focuses upon theory related to instructional planning, assessment, and decision making. The role of preparation and its contribution to successful classroom management will be examined. Candidates will research best practices in teaching and learning and evaluate models of effective lesson plan design and its impact on the classroom environment. In EDUC 5030b, students will be placed in a classroom for a ten-day “opening school experience” to provide an authentic orientation to preplanning and the first days of school.

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Candidates will read and discuss articles and critiques by scholars who are concerned with issues of equity, social justice, community and responsibility in a democratic, multicultural society. Because teachers are advocates for curriculum, instruction, learning environments and opportunities that support the diverse needs of and high expectations for all students, an emphasis will be given to the implementation of multicultural teaching in the classroom. This course will encourage teachers to think theoretically about their practice and learn from experience through contemplation of how the research in multicultural education relates to the classroom today.

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A study of identification and diagnostic techniques for secondary teachers as related to areas of exceptionality among students, alternative styles of teaching to meet special needs, and related legal issues. A grade of B or better in this course is required for certification.

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Clinical Practice is a full semester teaching in specific middle and high schools with pre-service teachers gradually assuming total responsibility for the class. Candidates are evaluated through a rigorous performance-based assessment process based on national standards. Candidates participate in classroom teaching and observation, planning and evaluation conferences, and other school-related experiences with guidance provided by the cooperating teachers and college supervisor. Several seminars are held in conjunction with these experiences and address a variety of topics. Portfolio elements required. Both pre-planning and post-planning experiences should be completed in conjunction with clinical practices.

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Clinical Practice is a full semester teaching in specific middle and high schools with pre-service teachers gradually assuming total responsibility for the class. Candidates are evaluated through a rigorous performance-based assessment process based on national standards. Candidates participate in classroom teaching and observation, planning and evaluation conferences, and other school-related experiences with guidance provided by the cooperating teachers and college supervisor. Several seminars are held in conjunction with these experiences and address a variety of topics. Portfolio elements required. Both pre-planning and post-planning experiences should be completed in conjunction with clinical practices.

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The course is designed to allow candidates an opportunity to complete field experience requirements or a passing score on the content diagnostics tests. Department Chair permission is required.

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This course is designed to acquaint candidates with the basic principles of assessing learning using different techniques and strategies. Among the areas addressed will be theory, methods, standardized tests, and fundamental statistical concepts.

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To enable teachers to become competent instructional leaders through the analysis and use of data about their classrooms and schools, this course expands teachers’ knowledge and skills in assessment techniques for all students. By conducting and using research and through varied assignments, teachers will be prepared to improve instruction using varied assessment techniques and data-driven decision making.

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This course covers salient topics related to integrating technology into the K-12 classroom. This course explores the applications of Microsoft Office and various Web 2.0 tools used by classroom teachers to maximize instruction and student learning. The course aligns with ISTE Educator and ISTE Student Standards and prepares candidates to teach in face-to-face, flipped, hybrid, and online learning environments.

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A study of reading problems encountered in public education. This course addresses reading skill development in special populations including those with limited English abilities, problems in content reading assignments, and non-readers in elementary, middle, and secondary school settings. Special attention is given to developing strategies for teaching reading and writing to readers at various skill levels. Candidates will develop resources for effective teaching based on the Georgia Performance Standards and standards from IRA and NCTE.

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This course engages the candidate in a comprehensive investigation of the social forces that affect schools and communities. In combination with research found in the field of education, social foundations relies on an interdisciplinary approach where knowledge from history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and political science are studied to develop interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives on education.

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From local histories and the beginnings of the American school to contemporary events, EDUC 6050 Historical Perspectives of Education is a multi-perspective journey through our collective pasts. This course illuminates our present by using a historical lens to explain why educational practices are as they are today.

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This course addresses why literacy matters, evidence-based best practices, RTI, new literacies, 123 culturally responsive teaching in diverse classrooms, instruction for content literacy, writing across the curriculum, and learning with trade books.

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Explores issues in curriculum and instruction from an educational literature perspective. Candidates will investigate curriculum theory, development, implementation, and evaluation as well as local and national standards. Candidates will utilize texts and professional journals to become knowledgeable practitioners with regard to curriculum and instruction.

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Using the case method as a way to facilitate classroom discussion, this course offers a comprehensive view of the law that governs the public school system of America. Teachers and administrators will be prepared with knowledge about how the courts affect instructional practices, school-wide curricular decisions as well as local, state and federal educational policy.

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By increasing an understanding of the students they teach, teachers will enhance their skills in developing engaging and culturally sensitive curriculum for diverse students through the use of a repertoire of instructional strategies that are appropriate for diverse learners to become contributing members of learning communities.

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This course focuses upon theory, methods, and basics of educational research. Candidates explore the inquiry process, fundamental statistics, and the use of databases, references and resources as they consider research opportunities for their action research study.

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This course explores scholarship that centers on the developmental, social and cultural constructivist theories in educational practice. Candidates will use scholarship in constructivism to complete a theoretical framework and literature review for their action research study.

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Designed to meet individual needs of the graduate student who is preparing his/her action research study. This course is generally taken during the spring semester. Candidates implement, evaluate and synthesize theoretically-based instruction through a structured critique based on their own applied classroom action research. A field visit by the professor at the M.Ed. candidate’s study site school is required to review the study’s design, setting, and data collection procedures. Candidates are expected to complete their studies by the end of the course.

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Through this course, candidates demonstrate advanced ability to design, implement, and evaluate curriculum that promotes student learning. Particular attention is given to recognizing the needs of students, the contexts which must be considered when planning curriculum, and the philosophical frameworks that undergird curriculum design in the content area. The candidate will know how to evaluate the content area curriculum by using performance data to determine 124 student understanding and to refine curriculum. Advocating for curriculum requires that the candidate develops high standards for professional practice by advancing or promoting issues among their colleagues, specialty professional associations and in the public sphere.

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Designing Professional Learning Experiences is designed to enable teachers to become competent instructional leaders through the development of professional learning experiences within their schools. Expanding upon the work completed in both EDUC 7100 and 7200, the use of the educational data collected will inform the curriculum fo interactive workshops that advance a solution to the identified school problem. This course expands teachers' knowledge and skills using best practices of adult learning instructional strategies along with assessment data to determine the effectiveness of their professional learning plan.

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This course examines effective methods of professional learning, within the context of the school environment, which is focused on relevant student data and identified teacher needs. Candidates will explore various theories of professional learning while linking professional learning needs to their knowledge of adult learning theories. Candidates will conduct a needs assessment within their own schools and develop a professional learning plan to address identified needs.

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This course is designed to strengthen and enhance competency levels for candidates to serve as classroom teacher leaders. The course is designed to provide candidates with knowledge of factors and processes related to teacher leadership roles within schools. Topics such as mentoring, peer coaching, community relations, organizational change, and advocacy will be addressed.

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This course focuses on adult development and learning principles. The following will be examined: a) theoretical perspectives and research related to foundational concepts of adult learning; b) how adult learning theories, principles, and practices are incorporated into formal and informal learning events; and c) the roles of teacher leaders in designing effective learning communities in various educational settings.

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This is a research based course in which candidates are challenged to critically evaluate educational systems, traditions, and policy in other nations and compare those system to practices in the United States. Travel outside the United States may be part of this course.

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This course focuses on the development of applicable knowledge, skills, and dispositions that teacher leaders must possess for successful school improvement. Candidates will work under the supervision of a field mentor within the local school or system that agrees to assist the student with conceptualizing and completing their field experience. The basis for this course is performance-based assignments which integrate candidate knowledge, skills and dispositions with applicable issues and problems in their school or system.

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This course examines the research base that indicates the importance of collaboration and communication to address the needs of the school community as a whole in order to facilitate school improvement. Candidates will collaborate with colleagues to improve their interactions with families and communities.

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This course investigates management aspects of the school organization including operations, facilities, and budget. Educational leaders will discuss how effective management facilitates and supports the teaching and learning process.

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This course focuses upon theory, methods, and advanced assessment skills required for educational research. To acquire the requisite skills for subsequent original research, candidates will be able to apply those qualitative and quantitative methods necessary to conduct, analyze and evaluate program assessments. Demonstrated knowledge of descriptive and fundamental inferential statistics and proficiency in the use of validity and reliability concepts and measurements is expected.

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This course prepares candidates to initiate and facilitate colleagues’ design and implementation of research. Course requirements involve the development of a prospectus that can be used to lead colleagues in school-based research.

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Directed Research Seminar is designed to meet individual needs of the education specialist candidate to prepare for collecting and reporting on his/her project’s data. Completion of the methodology paper for the candidate's Graduate Project is satisfied in this course through a discussion of validity and reliability variables as well as a section that describes how results will be analyzed and discussed. The candidate’s fieldwork is typically conducted at this time.

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This course takes a comprehensive approach to the field of curriculum by investigating cultural, ideological, political, ethical and philosophical assumptions that undergird educational policy and practices. The aim of this course is to prepare teachers and curriculum designers with theoretical competencies that undergird the planning, design and evaluation of curriculum. Participants will develop a curriculum proposal that demonstrates praxis between theory, planning and evaluation.

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This course prepares teachers and curriculum developers to lead and contribute to the curriculum change process. Research-based strategies are applied to planning, leading and sustaining curricular change. Participants will develop an advocacy plan based on a needs assessment, educational policy, current research and trends.

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This field-based course is intended to prepare teachers to use multiple assessments to make informed decisions when mentoring and supervising teachers during the pre-service, induction and professional phases of their careers. Participants will apply current theories of supervision, mentoring and reflection research in classroom and school settings to demonstrate knowledge of resources, including technology, to support mentoring and supervision.

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This internship, through a three-course sequence, provides educational leader candidates with the opportunity to with established leaders in partner schools to gain practical experienced that focus on areas that include: strategic leadership, organizational leadership, school improvement, community engagement, and other topics relevant in the current school setting.

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This internship, through a three-course sequence, provides educational leader candidates with the opportunity to with established leaders in partner schools to gain practical experienced that focus on areas that include: strategic leadership, organizational leadership, school improvement, community engagement, and other topics relevant in the current school setting.

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This internship, through a three-course sequence, provides educational leader candidates with the opportunity to with established leaders in partner schools to gain practical experienced that focus on areas that include: strategic leadership, organizational leadership, school improvement, community engagement, and other topics relevant in the current school setting.

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This course is framed by the Georgia Standards of Excellence for Grades K-5 and is for the future elementary school teacher. Teacher candidates enrolled in this course will engage in learning content and pedagogy related to the following math domains: 1) Geometry, Measurement, and Data and 2) Numbers and Operations: Fractions, and Statistics and Probability. This course will prepare teacher candidates for the Certification of Educators (GACE ) Exam for Elementary Education.

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This course is framed by the Georgia Standards of Excellence for Grades K-5 and is for the future elementary school teacher. Teacher candidates enrolled in this course will engage in learning content and pedagogy related to the following math domains: Numbers and Operations: Base Ten, Counting and Cardinality, Operations nd Algebraic Thinking. This course will prepare teacher candidates for the Certification of Educators (GACE) Exam for Elementary Education.

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This course provides the fundamentals for the research process, research designs (to include mixed methods and program evaluation), and research techniques.  Candidates will learn the role of ethics in educational research along with reviewing dissertation requirements.  

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This course examines historical and contemporary perspectives of curriculum thought through political, economic, social and cultural lenses. Students will acquire theoretical and philosophical understandings to imagine alternative conceptions for innovative pedagogy.

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The purpose of this course is to introduce doctoral students to advanced qualitative research methodology and prepare them to use qualitative methods in their own research and dissertations. Students will learn and apply various qualitative research techniques and evaluate a variety of qualitative study designs.

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Reading and research under the direction of an assigned faculty member leads to the development and defense of the dissertation proposal and the dissertation. A minimum of 3 credit hours must be taken each fall and spring semester until the dissertation is completed. The number of hours taken per semester must be approved by the dissertation chair. A minimum of 12 hours must be completed.

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This course prepares the doctoral student for submission of the proposal and its defense.

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An advanced course in quantitative methods applies significance testing, t-tests, non-parametric statistics, linear regression and chi-square analysis to research problems in curriculum and instruction.

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This course prepares the doctoral student for submission of the proposal and its defense. This course may be repeated as needed until the dissertation proposal is approved.

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This course will prepare students to design and implement advanced, philosophically coherent curriculum models within their content areas/areas of specialization.

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