The Biology curriculum provides a broad base of knowledge of biology while improving the creative, critical, and communicative abilities of students. Biology, the study of life, is intriguing to students on a fundamental level, because it is essentially the study of themselves, their bodies, and the living world around them. The Biology faculty work with their majors to help them develop an understanding and working knowledge of the life phenomenon at subcellular through organismal levels. Within the major, a student may elect to emphasize human biology, field-oriented biology, or biochemical and microscopic aspects of life science.
The Biology Program provides students with the opportunity to explore, understand, and explain the unity, diversity, and complexity of life.
The Biology Program
Graduates of the College who have majored in biology typically pursue careers in teaching, pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, physician assistant, physical therapy, or other professional fields or in life sciences research. In addition, many graduates find employment in industry—some in laboratories, some in management, and others in research and development. Most careers require further formal study in graduate or professional schools.
The Biology Program offers a curriculum that will provide the basis for all students majoring in biology to be able to:
The student is presumed to have accomplished the specific collection of objectives by satisfactorily completing the courses that constitute the B.S. or B.A. in Biology (see requirements below).
Students graduating with degrees in biology will complete the program comprehensive exit exams to assess completion of the objectives of the major. The faculty in the Biology Program use these assessments and the success of graduates as a gauge of the applicability of its goals and the success of its students in attaining these goals.
Students expressing interest in the B.S. or B.A. in Biology are categorized as a Pre-Biology major prior to meeting the requirements for entry into the major. To be a B.S. or B.A. Biology major, a student must successfully complete the Principles of Biology major sequence of BIOL 1107, BIOL 1107L, BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L with a C- or better in all courses. At the end of each fall and spring semester, Pre-Biology students who meet these requirements will be converted to Biology majors.
General Policies
A C- is required for BIOL 1107, 1107L, BIOL 1108, and BIOL 1108L to fulfill prerequisite requirements for other courses and to declare the biology major.
All BIOL courses, CHEM 4421 and CHEM 4422 must be completed with a grade of C- or better to fulfill graduation requirements.
Transfer/Transient and Consortium credit for upper level (BIOL 3000-4000)courses
Upper level courses (BIOL 3000-4000) obtained via transient/transfer credit at other institutions or via consortium credit may fulfill only one biology major or minor requirement.
Online BIOL, CHEM, and PHYS laboratories
Laboratory experiences are central to the development of scientific thought and processes as well as dexterity and laboratory safety. Online lab experiences taught at other institutions are not considered equivalent to in-person/in-seat laboratory experiences at LaGrange College and are therefore unlikely to be approved as substitutions for LaGrange College BIOL, CHEM, or PHYS laboratory courses.
Major Minor
B.S. in Biology B.A. in Biology Minor in Biology B.A. in Biology and M.A.T.This is the beginning biology course for non-majors. General Biology deals with the phenomenon of life as is manifested in all types of living organisms. The origin of life, chemistry of life, cellular and tissue organization, metabolism, cell division, genetics, and gene action are among topics covered. This course fulfills 3 hours of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) Curriculum requirements.
This course is a continuation of General Biology I. General Biology deals with the phenomenon of life as is manifested in all types of living organisms. Evolution, diversity of life, ecology and the functioning of the organ systems are among topics covered. This course fulfills 3 hours of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) Curriculum requirements.
This laboratory course is designed to complement and provide experiential learning for General Biology II. This course fulfills 1 hour of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) general education requirements. This lab meets 1.5 hours per week.
An introductory biology course for science majors that includes scientific method and its application, biological chemistry, cell structure and function, energy transfer, cell cycle, and mitosis. This course fulfills 3 hours of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2 ) Curriculum requirements.
Laboratory experience for science majors to accompany topics from BIOL 1107. This course focuses on the scientific method, data acquisition, manipulation and analysis, and presentation of results. This course fulfills 1 hour of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) Curriculum requirements. Lab meets 3 hours per week.
A continuation of introductory biology for science majors. Topics include genetics and meiosis, evolution, biodiversity, physiology, and ecology. This course fulfills 3 hours of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) Curriculum requirements.
Laboratory experience for science majors to accompany topics from BIOL 1108. This course focuses on the scientific method, data acquisition, manipulation and analysis, and presentation of results. This course fulfills 1 hour of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) Curriculum requirements.
This sophomore-level course will introduce student to many common laboratory skills needed in the cellular/molecular and organismal biology fields. Topics covered will include various techniques, such as how to make basic laboratory solutions, DNA extraction and purification, serial dilutions, PCR, gel electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, as well as all calculations and methods used to interpret the output of these various techniques. Students will also learn how to properly keep a laboratory notebook and maintain their lab space and equipment.
A study of the structure and function of the human body. Designed for pre-nursing majors. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of lab per week. This course fulfills 4 credit hours of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) Curriculum requirements.
Lab for BIOL 2148 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I.
A continuation of Human Anatomy and Physiology I. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of lab per week. This course fulfills 4 credit hours of the laboratory science portion of the Ethos (PG2) Curriculum requirements.
Lab for BIOL 2149 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II.
This course will continue your exploration into how scientific research is conducted and will provide an introduction to study design, data analysis, and interpretation. We will discuss the process of developing a hypothesis and designing an experiment to refute or support (fail to disprove) this hypothesis. During the course of the semester, you will conduct an experiment, analyze data gathered, and develop an appropriate inference based on your results.
This course, designed for sophomore Biology majors, will provide opportunities for students to explore career options and the requirements to enter a career field, to form a community with advanced Biology majors, and to learn about undergraduate research.
(1-6 Hours) An opportunity for students to gain added early applied experience and insight in approved off-campus settings. Internships consist of at least 40 working hours per credit hour in areas related to the discipline. Assignments may include selected readings, public presentation, and a final portfolio containing essays, weekly journal, and supporting material. Advisors, program coordinators, department chairs, and the internship coordinator (or designee) must approve the internship before a student begins their work. Internships will be taken as pass/no credit.
A study of human disease caused by pathogenic microbes and helminths. Designed for pre-health professions majors. Laboratory activities focus on bacteria as model organisms. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of lab per week.
A study of the morphology, physiology, classification, ecology, and economics of microbial forms, especially bacteria and fungi. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
A study of the fundamentals of immunology. Topics will include tissues and control of the immune system, including dynamics of B cell and T cell activation and function, inflammation and autoimmune disorders. Laboratory experiences include antigen-antibody interactions in gels, on membranes and in tissues, as well as complement-mediated cell lysis. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture per week.
An introduction to the basic principles and concepts of ecology with emphasis on environmental sampling, analysis and characterization. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
A phylogenetic approach to the Animal kingdom following cladistic principles. Emphasis will be placed upon representative animal groups and the position of Animalia within the domains of life. Studies of local faunae will be highlighted. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
A phylogenetic and ecological survey of the kingdom Plantae. The focus will be on the general anatomy and physiology of plants as well as the natural history and ecology of plants. Lab work will be field based and strongly oriented toward the local flora. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
An introduction to the principles and practices involved in the management of endangered species, communities and ecosystems. We will investigate how species natural history, ecology and population dynamics interact with human activities to impact the loss of species diversity. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture per week.
A study of the embryological development of representative vertebrates, with laboratory emphasis upon the frog and chick. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
A balanced survey of the present-day concepts of evolution with emphasis on human evolution/paleoanthropology. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture per week.
A study of the microscopic features of mammalian cells, tissues, and organs. Lectures correlate cell structure with tissue function. Laboratory experiences include the microscopic identification of tissues and organs at the cellular level. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
An introduction to the basic principles of toxicology. Topics include the cellular sites of action of toxicants, their physiological absorption, distribution and excretion and their effects on tissues and in an ecosystem. The lab applies these principles by students’ implementation and analysis of data of an original research project. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
A molecular study of genes, their expression, the control of their expression, and the gene products that result. The lab uses molecular techniques to study questions involving genes and their gene products. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
This course includes topics in both classical and molecular genetics. Topics of study may include but are not limited to Mendelian and non-Mendelian transmission of genes, sex-linked traits, chromosomal genetics and genomes, DNA structure, replication, mutation and repair, gene expression and its regulation, and other molecular genetics topics. The laboratory will evaluate wild-type and mutant model organisms using classical and/or molecular genetic approaches as well as pursue research questions in genetics using model organisms and other systems. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture per week.
An advanced study of the structure and functions of the eukaryotic cell. Topics include the structure and function of macromolecules, the plasma membrane, intracellular trafficking and cell signaling. The lab uses techniques to microscopically identify organelles and cells, examine the role of enzymes and identify specific proteins involved in cell death. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture per week.
This introduction to virology will focus on animal viruses that are important for basic science and human and animal diseases. The topics in this course may include viral taxonomy, structure, entry/exit, replication, quantitation, genetics, pathogenesis, and virus-host interaction. The laboratory will study model viral systems. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
An integrated study of the human nervous system correlating neuroanatomy and neurophysiology with fundamentals of clinical neurology. This course consists of 3 hours of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week.
Senior seminar is a thematic capstone course that is a broad, integrative experience in biology. The course promotes independent thinking, develops analytical skills, and provides practice in group discussion and in written and oral presentation. This course is required of all biology majors. Seniors enroll in BIOL 4470 in their last spring semester of enrollment.
Students will pair with a faculty mentor to carry out a research project in the faculty member’s area of expertise. The faculty member will serve as mentor and expert guide for the student. This course will follow the graduate school model for research in the sciences (with faculty mentor in the role of principle investigator) and thus requires that the student demonstrate the ability to: 1. select and read relevant primary literature and explore and understand new content independently; 2. from that work, develop a research question and experimental design; 3. work safely and independently in the lab, and after appropriate training, carry out the project and conduct data analysis. The course is guided by common syllabus requirements (available upon request) that inform a project-specific work agreement between the faculty mentor and student for a mutually agreed upon lab or field research project. These common requirements include: Students will perform a literature review, develop a scientific question and experimental design and work with their mentor to refine them. Students will also work with the mentor to carry out the experiment, apply for undergraduate research funds, analyze data, and present the work as a talk, poster and/or a paper. Course may be repeated once for credit. Only 4 hours may be used to fulfill the biology major requirements. Course may be repeated once for credit. Only 4 hours may be used to fulfill the biology major requirements. Course may be repeated once for credit. Only 4 hours may be used to fulfill the biology major requirements. 3-4 credit hours; Pre-req: CHEM 1102, at least 2 BIOL 3XXX courses, and permission of faculty mentor, course instructor or program coordinator/assistant department chair. Student must have a minimum Science GPA (BIOL CHEM, PHYS courses) of 3.0.
Although not required as part of the biology major, this course provides an opportunity for students, on an individual basis, to pursue in-depth research of a particular biology topic, question, or problem. Up to 4 hours of BIOL 4495 may be counted toward fulfillment of the major.
An opportunity for students to gain added experience and insight in approved off-campus settings. The internship cannot be counted as one of the courses required for the major or minor in biology. Prerequisites: consent of the supervising instructor, department chair, and the Career Development Center