This course will serve as an introduction to reading instruction for teacher candidates. GaDOE ELA Standards will provide a basis for lessons and field experiences in local schools. This course will cover the following topics: • Theories of Reading – to include an overview and discussion of current impact on classrooms – to include Science of Reading • Children’s Literature – to include an introduction to children’s literature as well as specific genres appropriate to the pre-K and Kindergarten age student (picture books, poetry, literature for a diverse society) • Beginning Literacy Skills – to include concepts of print and oral language development • Learning to Read Skills – to include phonemic awareness, phonics, and beginning word building • Language Arts Skills – to include beginning writing concepts • Assessing and Evaluating Literacy Development at the pre-K and Kindergarten level
Grade Basis: L
Credit hours: 3.0
Lecture hours: 3.0
- Offered in Fall terms