Modern Languages

Student Learning Outcomes
  1. The student will demonstrate effective communication skills in the target language.
  2. The student will demonstrate cultural knowledge of the target language.
  3. The student will demonstrate the ability to critically read and analyze a cultural or literary text in the target language.
Program Objectives
  1. The program offers continual development of effective communication skills in the target language.
  2. The program strives to develop cultural awareness and sensitivity.
  3. The program develops the ability to critically read and analyze a cultural or literary text in the target language.
  4. The program encourages internship experience using the target language in a variety of fields.
Assessment of Learning Objectives

Success in achieving the objectives of all majors and minors in this program (except for the minor in Asian Studies, which has its own distinct learning objectives and assessment methods) will be demonstrated in the following ways:

  • completion of each major/minor course with a grade of C or better;
  • completion of an exit survey.
Modern Languages

Courses are taught in French and Spanish.

Majors and Minors

Major Minor

Minor in Spanish

A course for beginners with intensive practice in pronunciation, essentials of grammar, and reading of simple prose.

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A course for beginners, with intensive practice in pronunciation, essentials of grammar, and reading of simple prose.

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This course is a continuation of vocabulary, grammar, and culture mastered in SPAN 1101. This course will cover the same grammar topics as the traditional SPAN 1102 but will supplement course content with vocabulary and culture issues specific to the medical field.

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A review of grammar and syntax with practice in reading selected texts.

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A travel-study seminar that provides valuable educational experience through close contact with the contemporary life and civilization of a selected Spanish-speaking country. Basic academic preparation in the history and customs of the culture is undertaken before departure.

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A course stressing practice in speaking and writing Spanish.

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A continuation of SPAN 3000. Not open to students fluent in Spanish.

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This course provides an overview of Spain's and Latin America's cultures and civilizations.

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The further development of Spanish language skills by focusing on a variety of professions or fields of study. Since the focus of this course changes frequently, this course may be repeated for credit.

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An advanced course designed to introduce the student to Latin America's major literary movements and writers.

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An advanced course designed to introduce the students to Spain's major literary movements and writers. Notice: This course will not be taught after Spring 2022.

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This course introduces the student to major contemporary Latin American and Latina women writers. Writers and works to be studied change periodically.

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(1-6 Hours) An opportunity for students to gain added early applied experience and insight in approved off-campus settings. Internships consist of at least 40 working hours per credit hour in areas related to the discipline. Assignments may include selected readings, public presentation, and a final portfolio containing essays, weekly journal, and supporting material. Advisors, program coordinators, department chairs, and the internship coordinator (or designee) must approve the internship before a student begins their work. Internships will be taken as pass/no credit.

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(1-6 Hours) An opportunity for students to gain added early applied experience and insight in approved off-campus settings. Internships consist of at least 40 working hours per credit hour in areas related to the discipline. Assignments may include selected readings, public presentation, and a final portfolio containing essays, weekly journal, and supporting material. Advisors, program coordinators, department chairs, and the internship coordinator (or designee) must approve the internship before a student begins their work. Internships will be taken as pass/no credit.

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