Posted on Wednesday, June 03, 2020
We are appalled and saddened by the unconscionable acts of violence that led to the recent deaths of Ahmuad Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. As we mourn in the present and acknowledge the injustices of the past, we must work to find a way forward as a nation—and a campus.
LaGrange College’s mission statement calls us to live as an “ethical and caring community that values excellence, service, civility, diversity and inclusion.” I appeal to our students, faculty and staff, alumni and friends to aspire to live by those values—in both word and deed.
Moving ahead, the college community recommits itself to the work of racial trust-building that was begun locally on our campus five years ago. We pledge to find new ways to educate our students to equip them as agents of change when they move through life and career. And we promise—as an institution and as individuals—to become catalysts for transformation.
Please join me in courageously building a better and more just world grounded in these values that we share. To that end, please consider involvement in our local Racial Trustbuilding Initiative or explore the other resources with links below. (which is hosting a national town hall this evening) (our Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program plans to host a roundtable discussion)
Dan McAlexander
Category: College
Keywords: social justice