Understanding the different types of aid
To close any gap between what you and your family can contribute and the actual cost of attending, your financial aid package may include a variety of federal, state, institutional and private need-based and non-need-based grants, scholarships, loans and student employment options. Each of these options varies in its repayment structure (if any repayment is required) and in their application process.
Type of Aid | Application Process | Condition |
Financial Aid based upon financial need | FAFSA | No repayment |
Grants based upon financial need | FAFSA | No repayment |
Scholarships based upon need | FAFSA | No repayment |
LaGrange Scholarships based upon merit | Application for admission | No repayment |
Georgia Scholarships based upon merit | Separate applications | No repayment |
Other Awards | Separate applications | No repayment |
Federal Subsidized Direct Loans | FAFSA | Repayment required |
Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loans | FAFSA | Repayment required |
Federal Direct PLUS* Loan | FAFSA | Repayment required |
Private (Alternative) Loans | FAFSA | Repayment required |
* Parent Loan for Undergraduate Student
Student employment options
Federal Work-Study provides employment opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students with demonstrated financial need to help defray educational expenses. Jobs are available on campus and off campus in community-service organizations. Students earn at least the federal minimum wage and are paid monthly.
LaGrange College Work Aid is an institutional employment program that provides students with opportunities to earn additional money for school through employment in on-campus departments and off campus in community-service activities. Although a non-need-based program, first priority is given to students with financial need. Students earn at least the federal minimum wage and are paid monthly.