Global Sustainability

The minor program in Global Sustainability will allow students to focus on the broad global issues related to sustainability and relate these issues to their major fields of study. Sustainability, broadly, is concerned with how we might build a just, peaceful, and ecologically sustainable world. Full exploration of this theme must then include theology and philosophy, ecology, social justice, and global issues. The minor program will include courses that allow students to explore all of these areas, and acquire the following:

 An understanding of sustainability issues in economic, social, and environmental areas

  • An awareness of the importance and urgency of such issues in today’s world
  • An edge in the marketplace for students majoring in a variety of fields (for example, engineering, writing, film-making, business, religion, non-profit leadership, etc.).

Learning Objectives

Using the expertise unique to each academic discipline, students explore the root causes of   injustice, ecological degradation, and social conflict.  Students explore creative responses to these realities and imagine possibilities for future social policy.


Completion of each course with a grade of C- or better and a GPA of 2.0 or better in the minor.  Successful completion and defense of a senior research project that explores in depth a sustainability theme and relates that theme to the students major field of study. This project will be evaluated by the student’s major advisor and the Sustainability Minor advisor.


Majors and Minors

Major Minor

Minor in Global Sustainability

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Last updated: 03/16/2020