Joining a fraternity/sorority has countless benefits and gives you the opportunity to be a part of a remarkable experience during your collegiate years. From leadership development, social engagement, academic accountability, civic engagement, these characteristics can be found in our sororities and fraternities. Fraternity and orority life will give you the opportunity to serve on campus and in our community.


How To Join

Recruitment is the lifeline of all campus organizations. While the terminology and methods of recruitment differ, all organizations seek growth in order to maintain their presence on campus.


Frequently Asked Questions

It is normal to have some doubts when making of the best decision and a life long commitments in your college career. We hope these FAQ will address some of your concerns!

Q: What is a Greek Organization? 

A: A Greek organization is a group of individuals bonded together by common goals and values. It is referred to as a Greek organization because the name consists of Greek letters; however, there are organizations whose names are not solely made up of Greek letters. These bonds are created through historical rituals. Rituals are a shared experience between members of the fraternal organization. The more common language used when referring to Greek-letter organizations are fraternities (for men) and sororities (for women). These organizations have values and purpose that they work to instill in their members through their everyday activities.


Q: Do you have to drink to be in a fraternity or sorority?

A: Alcohol abuse is unhealthy and inconsistent with fraternity/sorority ideals. All fraternities/sororities are expected to uphold state, county, and city laws, as well as university policies regarding the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol consumption has never been a requirement for Fraternity or Sorority membership and there are a significant percentage of FSL men and women who do not drink. No fraternity or sorority is allowed to purchase alcohol for members.


Q: Will joining a fraternity or sorority lower my grades? 

A: Students often find managing their time difficult when moving from the highly structured high school environment to the freedoms of college. Fraternities and sororities assist in that transition by offering scholastic programs which might include study partners, study hours, time management workshops, exam and paper libraries, and scholarships. Members can access the network of Fraternity and Sorority members who already know how to use campus resources like the library, study skills centers, computer labs, and academic advisors. LC Fraternity and Sorority organizations all have minimum GPA requirements for their members and will help each member achieve it, although members are still ultimately responsible for utilizing the resources made available.

Q: Hazing is simply a reality among fraternities and sororities. 

A: LC and every Fraternity and Sorority Life organization has a firm stance against hazing as it is easily the most dangerous and destructive practice that an organization can take part in. Although many people automatically associate the term "hazing" with the idea of mistreating or abusing new members, any member can actually be a victim of hazing. Hazing can be defined as singling out an individual or group of people and forcing them to do something that is psychologically, physically, or emotionally harmful or damaging. Potential members of fraternities and sororities should never be forced to do anything they do not feel comfortable doing.


Q: Only rich kids can afford to be Greek. 

A: Each chapter is self-supported through dues charged to all members. In the first year of membership, a few one-time expenses are assessed. After those initial payments are made, a member's only expense will be their regular dues. This cost is used to pay for intramural sports, community service projects, scholarships, upkeep of the house, and the dozens of social events offered. A variety of payment plans are usually offered.


Q: Greeks buy their friends. 

A: Friendship is not a commodity that can be bought and sold. Fraternities and sororities build lifelong friendships based on common interests, goals, beliefs and respect. 

"If you insist I bought my friends then it was the best investment of my life."


Q: Joining a Greek organization requires too much time. 

A: Research has shown that involved college students are more likely to graduate and they report greater satisfaction with their college experience. Through fraternity and sorority involvement, members will learn how to balance their academic, work, campus involvement, and social commitments. Members of the Fraternity and Sorority Life community are highly encouraged to participate in any event, program or meeting as long as it does not conflict with academic requirements. Athletes, members of choir, theatre students, and students studying engineering are just a few examples of students with large time commitments who regularly join fraternities and sororities. 


Q: Parents cannot be involved in their student's Greek experience. 

A: Parents can be supportive and learn as much as possible by asking questions of your student as they meet people through the recruitment process. Fraternity and sorority members will be more than happy to tell you about their group. Parents have opportunities to participate through the many family events that each chapter holds. Most chapters keep family members up to date on chapter news through newsletters or other means as well.


Q: Fraternities and sororities don't do anything. 

A: Fraternity and Sorority Life offers everything that university courses do not offer - development of social skills, leadership opportunities, a needed break from studying, and FUN! Each fraternity and sorority has numerous social events, philanthropic projects, workshops, and more - all designed to help you and your resume, so you can succeed. In addition, each inter/national fraternity and sorority has an established philanthropy, or community service program, that raises money for a charity of choice. These philanthropies are carried out by member chapters at various universities all over North America. The community service programs allow chapters to give back to the community. These nationally designed service projects make up only a small percentage of the service projects actually carried out by Fraternity and Sorority Life communities. These community service event projects are fun and often double as social events because chapters regularly donate their time and energy to events sponsored by other organizations.


Q: You have to be a freshman to be invited to be in a fraternity or sorority. 

A: While most new member classes are comprised of mostly freshmen, students of any class standing (whether it be freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior, or even graduate students) are welcome in the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. When you decide to join depends on you. Some people like to get acquainted with campus and the college life before entering into the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. Other students see Fraternity and Sorority Life as a way to help them do just that. 


Q: Greek letters take away your individuality. 

A: Fraternities and sororities are comprised of men and women from varied backgrounds and interests and must they learn to respect each other's' individuality and differences. For this reason, Fraternity and Sorority men and women are incredibly well rounded. Fraternity and Sorority Life communities offer limitless opportunities for individual growth and development.


Q: Greek men and women only party together. They don't really care about each other. 

A:Fraternity men call each other "brother" and sorority women call each other "sister" because they are part of a fraternal family. Through their fraternity and sorority membership, they develop a sense of family and lifelong friendship. Members provide each other with incredible emotional support and a home away from home.


Q: Fraternities and sororities are not conducive to spiritual development. 

A: Many members are involved in university-wide religious groups. No FSL organization should prevent a student from practicing their faith.


Q: Joining a chapter eliminates the ability to develop friendships with other students on campus. 

A: Interaction with students in and out of the FSL community happens all the time. Friends are made in a number of different ways and members of the Fraternity and Sorority Life community are encouraged to make cross council friendships and friendships with students who may not be affiliated with a fraternal organization. 

Required forms

Hazing Policy Compliance Form

LaGrange College seeks to promote a safe environment where students may participate in activities and organizations without compromising their health, safety, or welfare. Hazing in any form is against the law and is strictly prohibited at LaGrange College. When this policy is violated, action may be taken against all participants, including potential new members. Prevention of hazing is the responsibility of every member of the College community. Each organization, as well as each individual, must accept the personal obligation to uphold the basic community values.

Anyone experiencing, witnessing, or with knowledge of a violation of this hazing policy is responsible for reporting the incident and may bring their concerns to:

Dr. Kerry Kenner
Associate Vice President for Student Experience and Dean of Students
Smith Hall 
(706) 880-8112

The state of Georgia’s current hazing law (G.S. 16-5-61) makes it “unlawful for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in a school organization.” Any practices, ceremonies, behaviors, or rites of induction which tend to occasion, require or allow mental or physical suffering, are prohibited. Specifically, hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally or unintentionally, on or off campus, which could be reasonably expected to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule, the violation of college rules and regulations, the violation of the laws or policies of the parent organization and/or the violation of any local, state, and/or national laws. All rules and regulations of LaGrange College as well as local, state, and national laws shall supersede those policies of national or local organizations. All assessments as to the appropriateness of an action will be considered within the context of the standards of the total college community.

Activities considered to be hazing shall include one or both of the following elements: (a) Coercion, either overt or covert, and (b) production of physical or mental discomfort in either the participants or spectators. Such activities suggested by a group or a member of a group to potential new members will be considered covert coercion even if the activity is said to be "voluntary." It shall be a violation for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in a college organization.

Additional Hazing Prevention Resources can be found at HazingPrevention.Org.