Music Scholarships
Renewable talent scholarships are available to incoming freshmen and amounts are determined at the time of the audition.
Upperclassmen who demonstrate exceptional progress in the Music and Musical Theatre programs qualify for consideration of one of the following prestigious named Music Scholarships and/or Music Awards:
Amy Johnson Smith Boozer Scholarship
Ann Louise Kitchen Bryant Scholarship
Bernard-Becker Music Scholarship
Daisy Shepherd Luckey Music Scholarship
Emily & Bruce Herrington Music Award - cash award
Felicia Maddox Music Scholarship
George E. Morrison, Jr. Music Award - cash award
Herbert Cox Music Scholarship
Hortense Hughes Moore Music Scholarship
Martha Estes Achievement Award - cash award
Mattox/Zachry Music Scholarship
Patricia Callaway Award for Vocal Excellence - cash award
Pauline Witherspoon Hutchinson Music Scholarship
Polly Smith Moore Music Scholarship